
Admin Commands

Here is a list of all admin commands. Type these directly into the chat, or you can type them into the console using sm_ instead of / (for example, sm_admin)

/addtime <numbers of secs to add>
/admin - display admin menu
/alpha <0-255> - sets a player's transparency (alpha)
/beacon <target> [1/0] - beacons <target> (the 1/0 are optional, 1 will enable, 0 will disable, blank will toggle)
/btg - BE THE GHOST reenter to toggle it
/blind <target> <amount> - blinds <target> (0 - fully unblind, 255 - fully blind)
/buddha <target> [1/0] - gives buddha mode (invincible with explosion knockback) to <target> (the 1/0 are optional, 1 will enable, 0 will disable, blank will toggle), leave off <target> to toggle yourself
/chat <message> - sends chat to admins
/colorize <target> <color> - colorizes <target> a specific <color>, normal to revert
/colorize_colors - displays all colors available for /colorize
/csay <message> - sends a <message> to all players in center of screen
/disco - toggles disco mode
/drug <target> [1/0] - drugs <target> (the 1/0 are optional, 1 will enable, 0 will disable, blank will toggle)
/evilrocket <target> Turn player into rocke
/explode <target> - explodes <target>
/eyeboss <level> - spawns MONOCULOUS! where you're looking - level is optional, and will use what level the game thinks should be spawned if left off
/fakeach <target> <text in quotes> - gives <target> a fake achievement
/fakecraft <target> <item name in quotes> - makes it appear that <target> crafted <item>
/fakegift - spawns a fake gift where you're looking
/fakeitem <target> <item name in quotes> - makes it appear that <target> found <item>
/fakelose <target> <item name in quotes> - makes it appear that <target> lost <item>
/fia <target> <1/0> - gives <target> infinite ammo
/firebomb <target> [1/0] - makes <target> a firebomb, or cancels the fuse if they are already one (the 1/0 are optional, 1 will enable, 0 will disable, blank will toggle)
/freeze <target> [time] - freezes <target> ([time] is optional, and defaults to 10)
/freezebomb <target> [1/0] - makes <target> a freezebomb, or cancels the fuse if they are already one (the 1/0 are optional, 1 will enable, 0 will disable, blank will toggle)
/gag <target> - prevents a player from using text chat
/givew <target> <weapon index> - gives <target> a weapon until they resupply or die (type weaponlist in chat for weapon indexes)
/givew_ex <target> <weapon index> [1/0] - gives <target> a weapon until they leave the server (use 1 to give it immediately, or 0 to give it when they resupply or respawn)
/god <target> [1/0] - same as /buddha except doesn't have explosion knockback
/goto <target> Teleport to selected player
/gravity <target> [amount] - sets <player>'s gravity to [amount] (a percentage - 0.5 = 50%, 1.0 = 100%), leave [amount] off to reset
/happy <target> [1/0] - replaces a target's text chat with pre-defined phrases (the 1/0 are optional, 1 will enable, 0 will disable, blank will toggle)
/hiddenurl <target> <url without http://> - opens a specific URL in a target's MOTD window without them seeing it
/hsay <message> - sends a hint message to all players
/ignite <target> - ignites <target>
/invis <target> [1/0] - makes <target> invisible (the 1/0 are optional, 1 will enable, 0 will disable, blank will toggle)
/kick <target> [reason] - kicks <target>
/mortal <target> - makes <target> mortal (removes godmode and buddhamode)
/msay <message> - sends a message to all players in a menu panel that must be closed by pressing 0
/mute <target> - prevent <target> from using voice chat to anyone (use sparingly, clients have their own mute buttons)
/mutecheck <target> - check if anyone has muted <target> and who (leave off <target> to check yourself)
/noclip - toggles noclip on yourself
/openurl <target> <url without http://> - opens a specific URL in a target's MOTD window
/rename <target> [name] - rename <target> to [name] (leave off [name] to scramble current name)
/resetex <target> - reset permanent weapons given with /givew_ex
/rocketme can be used to rocket self in air , avaibale to players when set to 1
/setclass <target> <class> - set <target>'s class
/spawnammo <small/medium/full>
/spawnmedipack <small/medium/full>
/tele <target> - teleport <target> to where you are looking
/thirdperson - toggles thirdperson <type in /firstperson to switch back.
/timebomb <target> [1/0] - same as firebomb and freezebomb except make the target a timebomb
/tsay <message> [color] - send all players a message in the top-left corner ([color] is optional)
/ungag <target> - ungag <target>
/unmute <target> - unmute <target> server-side
/vote <question> [answer 1] [answer 2] ... [answer 5] - start a vote for <question> (the question and all answers must be in quotes, maximum of 5 answer choices)